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Fetal Health Center PFAC members

taylor with family

Taylor Burris

My name is Taylor Burris and I have had the pleasure of joining the PFAC team in 2022. In the early stages of pregnancy my child was diagnosed with spina bifida and hydrocephalus in utero and thanks to the amazing fetal health doctors and nurses, my daughter was successfully operated on in utero and born at Children's Mercy Hospital. 
As business owners and parents, my partner James and I have been on an amazing journey with our daughter and we have become passionate about raising awareness and support for other families who have children with spinal differences. I desire to continue to help elevate care, expectations and overall experience for families along their journey. 

Barb Carr with child

Barb Carr

As a working mother, I am also passionate about giving back to my community.  I am honored to be a part of a couple Patient and Family Advisory Committees at Children's Mercy, sharing my experience from when both my son and I were patients there.  Some of the hardest moments of our lives occurred during my pregnancy and postpartum while my son battled a life-threatening birth defect for many months in the NICU.  He continues to be followed by multiple specialists and we've had subsequent hospital stays related to illness and follow-up procedures (some planned, some emergent).  It's imperative to me that all patients and families feel supported during their journey and we do our best to pay it forward.

Dani ribiero with family

Dani Ribeiro

My husband, Andre and I welcomed our son, Logan during the middle of a pandemic at 36 weeks. At 22 weeks, Logan was diagnosed with Spina Bifida, myelomeningocele, the most severe form. Along with Hydrocephalus and Chiari Malformation. At 25 weeks we had in-utero surgery to repair the opening in his back. After he was born, he had another repair surgery and remained in the NICU for two weeks. Few years have gone by, and he has had other surgeries such as a shunt placement (5mo) and multiple feet surgeries, with a few more surgeries in the near future. Given these complex diagnoses, we are extremely grateful for all the resources and care that Childrens Mercy has provided for our family.

I became a member of the Fetal Health Center PFAC to have an impact on future families that may be starting to walk the same journey we went through. I know first-hand the emotional rollercoaster a fetal diagnosis can be and all that comes along with it throughout the pregnancy and beyond. My hope is to give back, and advocate for the fetal health center, along with Childrens Mercy for all they have done. To provide insight, support, guidance, and a shoulder to cry on for families that may be going through the hardest time of their life. There is hope and Childrens Mercy led the way.

Mallory Schuh with her two children, husband, and dog wearing match pajamas. Family wearing black shirt and black and white plaid pajama pants.

Mallory Schuh

We are the Schuh's and at our 18 week appointment we had an ultrasound where a local MFM confirmed a Spina Bifida diagnosis for our son, Teddy.   I had fetal surgery at Children’s Hospital Colorado at 23w4d and after a 2 1/2 week stay I returned home where I had weekly appointments at Children’s Mercy.  At 29w2d my water broke and I was life-flighted to CMH. I was an antepartum patient for the entire month of August 2022.  Living in a hospital away from my toddler is still one of the hardest things I have ever had to do.  I made it to 33w5d and Teddy was born by emergency c-section.  He spent 12 days in the Children’s Mercy NICU and then he was reverse transferred home to spend an additional 10 days in the NICU.  We go to the Spinal Differences Clinic at Children’s Mercy every 6 months for routine check ups. Teddy is currently thriving; we owe it all to prayers and the clinic MOMS trial.  

Our story takes place in many hospitals but nothing compares to the care and compassion we received from the Fetal Health nurses at CMH.  Being a mom from a hospital bed is not ideal; but my care team went above and beyond to boost my mental health and to create fun/short visits with my daughter, allowing me to still feel like an active mom in her life.  My heart belongs to Fetal Health and helping moms handle the unknown challenges that they are facing is now one of my biggest passions.

amanda welch with family

Amanda Welch

My husband Casey and I are the parents of four incredible boys. Halfway through our pregnancy with our third son Hudson, our sweet boy was given a prenatal life limiting diagnosis of Trisomy 18. He was born full term and lived for two beautiful days in the loving arms of our family and the wonderful staff at Children's Mercy. 

We are eternally grateful for the care and support Hudson and our family have received during our experience with Children's Mercy. I am honored to be given the opportunity to serve on the Family Advisory Board and to walk alongside other families in their unique journeys at the Fetal Health Care Center. 

Kala white with family

Kayla White

My journey at Children’s Mercy began with the Fetal Health Center when I was pregnant with Will, my 3rd child and first son.  Patrick, my husband, and I found out at our 20 week sonogram Will had a rare variation of a critical congenital heart defect.  Throughout my pregnancy, Will’s heart led the way and his path was ultimately comfort care.  Will was born at Children’s Mercy, lived for 4 days being loved on by us and his sisters: Emory and Rosie, before we said goodbye.

Our lives were touched by the many nurses, doctors and staff at Children’s Mercy who made a profound impact on us during a difficult time.  Having the opportunity to start the Fetal Health Center PFAC, give back to Children’s Mercy and help other families who face unimaginable situations has been a meaningful way to honor our Will.  

andrea wittrock with family

Andrea Wittrock

My husband Robb and I welcomed identical twin boys – Luke and Matthew – in June 2020.  I was diagnosed with twin-to-twin syndrome and was recommended to the Fetal Care Center at Children’s Mercy.  Within 3 days of our initial consultation, the medical team performed in-womb surgery at 15 weeks.  I continued to be monitored at Children’s Mercy throughout the duration of my pregnancy.  Due to complications, I was admitted to the Fetal Care in patient care rooms for bed rest and constant monitoring for almost 2 months leading up to the twins’ birth.   The twins were born at Children’s Mercy within their Special Care Delivery Service and admitted to the NICU for almost 2 months.  Matt continues to be monitored at Children’s Mercy for a heart defect.

Without Children’s Mercy, we would not have 2 happy and healthy boys!  Our sincere appreciation for the knowledge, care, and support that were provided directly to me and my family!  I am honored to be a member of the PFAC and provided the opportunity to assist families, patients, and the wonderful care team at Children’s Mercy. 

Shelby with partner


My name is Shelby. My daughter was diagnosed prenatally with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, which is why I received my prenatal care and delivered at CMH. She has had two open heart surgeries at CMH and will have a third. We have seen numerous specialty clinics at CMH, and are so thankful for the wonderful care our daughter has received. She is alive because of CMH. I was honored to join the Fetal Health Center PFAC, and pass on what I’ve learned and experienced to help families as they begin their journey at CMH. No one is alone, and I want families to feel supported and are cared for, just as we did, and still do.