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Healthy Schools

Children need our support

The proportion of children who have obesity has increased three-fold since 1976. Changes in our kids’ environments, including schools, have contributed to the increase in childhood obesity. Obesity can impact attendance, academic performance and emotional wellbeing. Since our children spend up to half of their waking hours in school, it’s an ideal place to not only teach healthy eating habits and active living but also to assure an environment and policies that support healthy behaviors. While schools play a critical role in establishing healthy practices and policies, support from parents, teachers and the greater community are vital for long-term success.

Healthy Schools Working Group

Increase the number of schools that have written and implemented the priority school wellness policies for the Kansas City area.

What’s been accomplished?

In 2012, Kansas City Healthy Lifestyles Collaborative (KC HLC) conducted a School Wellness Assessment Study. Forty-six school districts in the Kansas City Metropolitan area participated. Written wellness policies were reviewed and current practice information was gathered through online surveys with school personnel. The data was reviewed by the Healthy Schools Working Group, and eleven priority policies were identified. Resource documents were developed for administrators, teachers and parents. Each of these three guides give details on current policies, why each policy is important, ideas for implementation, as well as a list of related resources.

View the 2012 Executive Summary.

School wellness resources

Select the resource guide(s) that are most helpful to your school community. 


Get Involved

For more information or to join the Healthy Schools Working Group, please contact


Next Meeting

October 3, 2019
2:00-3:30 p.m.
Don Chisholm/Center for Children's Healthy Lifestyles & Nutrition
first floor conference room