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Type I Diabetes: A study to observe the preservation of C-peptides in the pancreas of children newly diagnosed with Type I Diabetes

This study is being done for children and adults: • Age 12-35 • Within 100 days of being newly diagnosed with Type I Diabetes (T1D) • At least 1 autoantibody positive • Mixed Meal Tolerance Tests with most visits Researchers are performing this study to observe the preservation of C-peptides in the pancreas of children newly diagnosed with T1D. The goal of this study is to learn if either abrocitinib or ritlecitinib could help delay or stop further destruction of remaining beta cells in people recently diagnosed with Type I Diabetes (T1D). Researchers will follow people in the study by performing blood tests and will collect information about their diabetes to learn more about how these drugs work.

Interested in learning more?

Full Study Name: TN31 Jakpot: Preserve the function of the Pancreas in New Onset T1D
