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Kidney Failure Registry: A tool used to collect health information on children less than 21 years old with kidney failure for future research

The purpose of this research study is to gather data on all children less than 21 years of age with kidney failure who receive treatment in the United States, Canada, and Mexico in order to evaluate patient characteristics and outcomes of treatment used in pediatric patients in North America. Being in this study involves the collection of data from the person's medical record by a qualified member of the nephrology team. Children who are entered into this study will not have procedures or treatments which are different from those routinely performed as part of their ongoing medical care. The child's date of birth, a unique study number, dates of service, and relevant medical information will be collected on special computerized forms. These forms will be transmitted by computer to EMMES (a data collection company used by NAPRTCS). The data transmission process is secured for patient confidentiality.

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Full Study Name: NAPRTCS - Data collection registry on kidney failure treatment
