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Cancer: A study screening for genetic changes (mutations) that may respond to specific drug therapies for tumors

This study is for: • Patients who are between the ages of 12 months and 21 years old • Who have been diagnosed with solid tumors that have relapsed (have come back) or are refractory (have not responded to earlier treatment) The goal of this study is to find better ways to diagnose and treat relapsed or refractory tumors in children, adolescents, and young adults. The study team will collect some information about each participant's cancer and treatment. The study team will also collect extra tumor, blood, and/or other tissue from procedures done by doctors to help make a diagnosis and learn more about different cancers now and in the future. If the study team finds out that the leukemia has a specific genetic change (mutation) that may respond to a drug that "targets" those changes, they may present a treatment study using that specific drug to the participant. This combination of a tumor with a mutation and a drug that aims at that mutation is called a "match."

Interested in learning more?

Full Study Name: APEC1621SC NCI-COG Pediatric MATCH (Molecular Analysis for Therapy Choice) Screening Protocol
