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Ph+ ALL: A study of adding Imatinib to two different chemotherapy treatments in Children and Young Adults with Philadelphia Chromosome-Positive Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

This study is available for those who are 1 through 21 and have been diagnosed with a form of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) called Philadelphia chromosome positive (Ph+) ALL or ABL-class fusion positive ALL. The overall goal of this study is to determine if using a less toxic chemotherapy in combination with a drug called imatinib, can effectively treat standard risk Ph+ ALL and standard risk ABL-class fusion positive ALL.

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Full Study Name: AALL1631 - International Phase 3 Trial in Philadelphia Chromosome-Positive Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Ph+ ALL Testing Imatinib in Combination with Two Different Cytotoxic Chemotherapy Backbones
