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Chronic Migraine: A study on Erenumab treatment in children and adolescents

This study is for children and adolescents: • Currently enrolling males ages 6 -17 • Currently enrolling females ages 6-11 • Have over 15 headaches in a month (with at least 8 being classified as a migraine) The purpose of the OASIS PEDIATRIC (CM) study is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of a study medicine called erenumab to reduce the frequency of chronic migraine headaches. In this study, erenumab is being compared to a placebo, which allows researchers to evaluate the effects of the study medicine. Eligible subjects are agree to have two injections under the skin once a month, and be willing to follow all study instructions. Study participants will have approximately 8 monthly visits to the clinic, and if interested in the optional extension phase, there will be an additional 10 visits. The visits take about 2-3 hours.

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Full Study Name: Erenumab Study for the Treatment of Chronic Migraines in Children Ages 12-17 years
