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Single Ventricle Heart Condition: How Skeletal Muscle Health Contributes Toward Overall Health

This study is for children: • 12-18 years old • Born with a single ventricle heart and had the Fontan Procedure • Be able to wear an accelerometer for a week. (Accelerometer is a small device worn on the hip to measure physical activity) OR • 12-18 years old • Born with a normal heart (comparison group) • Be able to wear an accelerometer for a week. (Accelerometer is a small device worn on the hip to measure physical activity) The goal of the research study is to better understand the importance of skeletal muscle health (especially leg muscles) and how it contributes to the overall health of an adolescent living with a single ventricle heart. Researchers know that healthy muscles play a larger role in helping blood return to the lungs in these adolescents, but they do not understand the details of this relationship. In addition, adolescents with normal hearts will be enrolled as a comparison group.

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Full Study Name: A comprehensive and non-invasive assessment of skeletal muscle in adolescents with single ventricle palliation