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Rare/Unknown Genetic Diseases: A study of genetics in children to understand unknown or rare conditions and find treatments

Thousands of genetic diseases affecting children remain undiscovered and untreatable. Children's Mercy is in the unique position of having the technology, scientists, physicians, as well as patient volume and diversity to address this challenge. Studying the genetics of thousands of children will help us make rapid progress against these unknown diseases and lead the way for future children and families in need. Genomic Answers for Kids is a rich resource for researchers studying genetic conditions, leading to answers and new treatments for children. Our progress on Genomic Answers for Kids relies on clinicians to identify possible participants in the program and for patients to volunteer to take part. Although all of today's participants may not directly benefit, they will help future children and families in need. With each participant's help, we will find genomic answers for kids. We are seeking children who may have a genetic condition or a genetic component to their symptoms, as well as their families.

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Full Study Name: Genomic Answers for Kids
