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Chronic Anterior Uveitis: A study testing levels of Humira in the blood for uveitis treatment

This study is for children: •Under 18 years of age • Must have chronic anterior uveitis • Must be starting Adalimumab (brand name Humira) for active uveitis • No previous Adalimumab treatment can have occurred The purpose of this study is to understand whether blood levels of adalimumab (brand name: Humira) can be used to predict how well the uveitis will respond to adalimumab. Patients who participate will have blood samples and questionnaires collected at 2, 4, and 6 months after starting Adalimumab. Both a rheumatology and ophthalmology exam must be completed during those study visits.

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Full Study Name: Adalimumab Levels in Induction Control for Chronic Anterior Uveitis


Ashley Cooper