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Neonatal Enterovirus and Human Parechovirus Viral Sepsis: A study on observing the infection in neonates.

This study is being done for children: • ≤ 30 days old • Suspected or proven neonatal viral sepsis • Only patients currently admitted at Children's Mercy may participate in this study. The main reason for this research study is to get a better understanding of what causes neonatal viral sepsis and to assess the impact of the infection on the babies' health. Viruses called enterovirus (EV) or human parechovirus (HPeV) are very common in the population and can cause neonatal viral sepsis. By gaining a better understanding of the condition, researchers hope this information can be used to guide diagnosis and treatment of babies with neonatal viral sepsis in the future. Researchers are asking your baby to be in this research study because your baby was brought to the hospital with symptoms of neonatal viral sepsis.

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Full Study Name: Neonatal Enterovirus and Human Parechovirus Viral Sepsis