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Brain Tumors: A study to see if memantine protects the brain during radiation therapy treatment in children

This study is for: • Patients ages 4 to 18 • Who have been diagnosed with a brain tumor The goal of this study is to see if the drug memantine makes a difference in changes to attention, memory, or other thought processes (called cognitive function changes) in children and adolescents treated with radiation therapy for a brain tumor. In this study participants will get 1 of 2 treatments: memantine (active drug) or placebo (no active drug). The treatment (memantine or placebo) participants receive is decided by a process called randomization, which means that the treatment is assigned based on chance like flipping a coin. Participants will also complete questionnaires and short computer testing sessions.

Interested in learning more?

Full Study Name: ACCL2031 - A Phase 3 Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial Evaluating Memantine for Neurocognitive Protection in Children Undergoing Cranial Radiotherapy as Part of Treatment for Primary Central Nervous System Tumors
