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ADHD Services

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common concern—as many as 1 in every 10 children have a diagnosis of ADHD. The best place to start if you have concerns about ADHD is your child’s pediatrician or primary care provider. In many cases, they can use rating scales and additional input from you and your child’s teacher to assess and diagnose your child in their office.


Your primary care provider can also determine if your child has needs or complexities that may benefit from additional support from a specialist. Children’s Mercy ADHD specialists include clinical psychologists, developmental pediatricians, behavior analysts, nurse practitioners and child and family therapists. Your child may receive care from one or more of these types of specialists, depending on their specific needs. If your child is having trouble at school, ask school staff members about services or supports your child may qualify for to help them in the school setting. You can also work with your school district to create a support plan for your child.

Complex ADHD care at Children’s Mercy

Children’s Mercy ADHD specialists include clinical psychologists, developmental pediatricians, behavior analysts, nurse practitioners and child and family therapists. Your child may receive care from one or more of these types of specialists, depending on their specific needs.

We offer care for families with children who have complex ADHD. Complex ADHD means your child meets one or more of the following criteria:

  • ADHD symptoms that began before they were 4 years old or after they were 12 years old (most pediatricians can diagnose and treat children ages 4-18, but children who first show symptoms as early preschoolers or adolescents may need specialty care)
  • A co-existing mental health condition that may benefit from a more comprehensive evaluation or treatment approach
  • Moderate to severe problems with daily activities at home or school
  • Primary care provider is uncertain of the diagnosis
  • Not responding well to usual treatment plans


Parent and family support for ADHD

We have Behavioral Parent Training groups for parents of school-age children with a diagnosis of ADHD (6-12 years old) and for preschool children with a diagnosis of ADHD or who are highly suspected to have an ADHD diagnosis (3.5- 5 years old). The group sessions are 90 minutes long and run once a week for 8 weeks. The groups are for parents only, children do not attend.

These groups are currently being offered virtually via Microsoft Teams.