Making an Appointment with Developmental and Behavioral Health
There are several steps between your initial phone call and first appointment in a Developmental and Behavioral Health clinic at Children's Mercy. Here is an example of what a typical scheduling process looks like.

Developmental and Behavioral Health Menu
- Developmental and Behavioral Health Home
- Making an Appointment
- ADHD Services
- Autism Clinic
- Depression and Anxiety in Youth (DAY) Clinic
- DAY Clinic FAQ
- Developmental Delay Clinic
- Eating Disorders Center
- Educational Videos
- Integrated Psychology Services
- Learning Opportunities
- Mental Health Resources
- Outpatient Psychology Services
- Psychiatry Services
- Salud Mental en Niños y Adolescentes
- Tourette Syndrome Center
- Mental Health Patient Family Advisory Council
- Developmental and Behavioral Health Research
- Meet the Team