Heart Transplant Program
Nationally ranked by U.S. News & World Report

Heart Transplant Program
The Heart Transplant Program at Children’s Mercy provides care for children who have no other medical or surgical options to fix a failing heart without serious risk. The transplant program is part of the Ward Family Heart Center, which is nationally recognized as one of the top pediatric heart centers in the nation.
In addition to comprehensive transplant services, we also offer ventricular assist devices (VADs) as a bridge to support children in heart failure who are waiting for a heart transplant. This allows them some freedom and flexibility to continue to learn, grow and develop while they are in the hospital.
Learn more about the Heart Failure program at Children's Mercy.
Conditions associated with heart failure
A child may need a heart transplant for several reasons, including:
Cardiomyopathy (weak heart muscles)
Congenital heart disease (heart disease a child is born with)
Continued heart problems following surgery for a congenital heart disease, such as the heart not working properly or the valves being too leaky
Life-threatening abnormal heart rhythms that cannot be controlled any other way
Your heart care team
The Heart Transplant Program at Children’s Mercy pulls together many types of specialists to meet all your family’s needs. Your team will include:
Cardiac surgeons
Advanced practice nurses
Infectious disease specialists
Transplant pharmacists
Transplant coordinators
Social workers
Spiritual services
Child-life specialists
Financial coordinators
What to expect during the heart transplant process
The heart transplant process is complex, but you’re not alone. Imagine an entire conference room filled with people—that’s the dedicated team who will walk alongside you the whole way.
While your child’s situation is unique, our transplant team will incorporate their many successful previous transplant experiences into crafting a transplant plan that’s just right for you.
Find out more about what to expect before, during and after a heart transplant at Children’s Mercy.
Follow up care after a heart transplant
We work together with your primary care provider and other specialists to coordinate the long-term care and management of your child’s health care needs.
Your child can continue to receive follow-up care at the Heart Center until they are ready to transition to an adult provider. We will connect you with an adult provider who has expertise in caring for transplant patients and make sure they are aware of your child’s complete medical history.
Nationally ranked by U.S. News & World Report
Nationally ranked by U.S. News & World Report
The Heart Transplant team provides comprehensive care, family support and education for children with heart failure who need a transplant.
We prepare your child and family for the transplant process and answer all your questions. The same team will be with you throughout the process, so you’ll always know who to call or message with concerns along the way.
Our transplant coordinators, surgeons and physicians are all available for consultation and assistance at all times. Multiple specialties from across the hospital will collaborate on a two-day process to evaluate your child before a transplant.
Heart transplant: Zack's Story
When 11-year old Zack’s family gathered at the holidays, they feared it may be their last with him. Hours after packages were torn and hugs exchanged, the phone rang with news of one last gift: Zack was getting a heart.
Watch as Zack shares his transplant story and how he lives in ways that once seemed impossible.
Heart transplant: Hannah's story
Fifteen year old Hannah could pretend her heart wasn’t a problem during marching band practice by “fake playing” as she paraded around the field. But eventually, the cardiomyopathy that plagued her family forced her off the field and into a hospital bed. There, she could only wait for a donor heart to save her life. Hannah became the first heart-transplant patient at Children's Mercy.