Neonatal Outpatient Follow-Up Clinics
The region's highest level NICU.

We recognize that many of our NICU graduates have special health care needs related to growth and development. The Neonatal Follow-Up Clinics provide follow-up services for your child after they are home from the NICU.
Our team includes pediatricians, nurse practitioners, social workers, and dietitians. We’ll also work closely with other pediatric subspecialists to coordinate your child’s care. You can reach a doctor by phone 24 hours a day for questions or problems.
Our neonatal follow-up clinics are held at the Adele Hall campus and College Boulevard.
Many of the babies we see require specialized medical equipment, which we’ll help you learn to use. Together with your primary care provider, we’ll coordinate care until your child reaches two or three years old. Then, in most cases, we’ll help you transition their care to your primary care provider.
Our clinics
This program provides a pediatric medical home for children with medical complexity. Children in this program typically have complex, systemic medical problems and often use mechanical devices to treat their conditions.
The Infant Lung Center supports children with chronic lung disease by aiming to reduce pain and improve quality of life.
This team helps families care for babies and toddlers who need a tracheostomy, with or without a ventilator. This allows you to care for your child at home rather than prolonging a hospital stay.
The NEON Infant Care Clinic (Neonatal Evaluation and Outcomes Network) provides care for babies who were previously in the NICU and need complex medical and neurodevelopmental treatment.