Injury Management at the Sports Medicine Center
Nationally ranked by U.S. News & World Report

Whether it’s on the practice field or under the lights on Friday night, when kids play sports, injuries can occur.
Children’s Mercy cares for student-athletes of all ages with precision diagnostic tools and a sports medical staff with pediatric-specific expertise.
Our care team understands that kids and teens are not just smaller adults—their brains and bodies are still growing and developing, even when they’re playing sports at an elite level. The sports medicine care your student-athlete receives now can significantly impact their future, both in athletics and overall wellness.
Nationally ranked orthopedic care
All our physicians are board-certified in sports medicine. If surgery is the best option, Children’s Mercy is verified as a top-level pediatric surgery center by the American College of Surgeons, and our surgeons understand your student-athlete’s desire to get back to their sport as quickly and safely as possible.
In addition to medical staff, our sports medicine team includes mental health and social work professionals to help your student-athlete cope with any challenges that arise during their recovery, such as adjusting to a change in routine if they are unable to play for a period of time.
Nationally ranked by U.S. News & World Report
Nationally ranked by U.S. News & World Report
Our athletic trainers are certified, licensed health care professionals whose primary concern is the wellbeing of student-athletes. They are on the sidelines at local high school and club team sporting events to manage emergency situations, evaluate injuries, and provide guidance on next steps after an injury.
Concussions can happen during almost any sport. Children’s Mercy’s board-certified sports medicine physicians will perform a thorough evaluation and create a plan to help your student-athlete recover and get back to playing the sport they love.
Children’s Mercy offers a team of sports medicine mental health professionals to help student-athletes cope with the emotional challenges of participating in sports, whether they’re at the top of their game or recovering from an injury.
Sports physical therapy helps student-athletes recover from sports-related injuries. Our expert physical therapists are trained to meet your child’s needs from middle school through their college career.
- Injury Management
- Ankle Injuries
- Athletic Training
- Concussion Treatment
- Gymnast Wrist
- Hockey Injuries
- Human Performance Lab
- Mental Wellness
- Meet the Sports Medicine Team
- Osteochondritis Dissecans (OCD)
- Patella Tendonitis (Jumper’s Knee)
- Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (Runner’s Knee)
- Sports Medicine Center
- Sports Physical Therapy
- 360° Tour of Village West