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Commute Options

Save money, de-stress your commute and take care of our air with these great options.

  • Carpool
    Drive less and save more in a carpool. Find commute partners, transit routes, park-and-ride lots and more at Worried about getting home in an emergency? Register for WAY TO GO’s Guaranteed Ride Home program and get up to two free rides home per year. For anyone who carpools, vanpools, takes the bus or bikes to work regularly. Restrictions apply. Learn more at
  • Vanpool
    Drive even less and save even more in a vanpool. Four to twelve people meet up and ride together in a van provided by Enterprise. Learn more at
  • Bus
    Catch any of the 20 RideKC buses from that stop within four blocks of the hospital. Go to to plan your trip and learn more. The RideKC buses are fare-free.
  • Streetcar 
    Catch the KC Streetcar at Union Station. It’s free and runs through Downtown KC to the River Market.
  • Bike
    Bike to work, lunch or meetings on a BCycle. Check one out from the docking station at Crown Center. Find out more at RideKC Bike.
  • Carpool
    Drive less and save more in a carpool. Find commute partners, transit routes, park-and-ride lots and more at
  • Vanpool
    Drive even less and save even more in a vanpool. Four to twelve people meet up and ride together in a van provided by Enterprise. Learn more at
  • Bus
    Catch these RideKC bus routes near the Broadway Campus: 31, 47, 51, 52, 55 and the Main Street MAX. Go to to plan your trip and learn more. Purchase discounted 31-day bus passes at the Cashier’s Office.
    • $40 regular fare for all regional bus routes except express routes and the 510 to Lawrence
    • $20 reduced fare (students under 18, Senior Citizens ages 65+, or persons with documented disability)
    • $85 Commuter Express fare (routes 535, 550, 570)
    • $18.25 for10-Ride Passes Johnson County Routes (except the 510)
  • Bike 
    Bike to work, lunch or meetings on a BCycle. Check one out from the docking station at 30th and Main. Find out more at
  • Worried about getting home in an emergency? Register for the Guaranteed Ride Home program and get up to two free rides home per year. For anyone who carpools, vanpools, takes the bus or bikes to work regularly. Restrictions apply. Learn more at
  • Carpool
    Drive less and save more in a carpool. Find commute partners, transit routes, park-and-ride lots and more at
  • Vanpool
    Drive even less and save even more in a vanpool. Four to twelve people meet up and ride together in a van provided by Enterprise. Learn more at
  • Worried about getting home in an emergency? Register for the Guaranteed Ride Home program and get up to two free rides home per year. For anyone who carpools, vanpools, takes the bus or bikes to work regularly. Restrictions apply. Learn more at
  • Carpool
    Drive less and save more in a carpool. Find commute partners, transit routes, park-and-ride lots and more at
  • Vanpool
    Drive even less and save even more in a vanpool. Four to twelve people meet up and ride together in a van provided by Enterprise. Learn more at
  • Bus
    Catch RideKC bus 51 from Nall Ave. Go to to plan your trip and learn more. Purchase discounted 31-day bus passes at the Cashier’s Office.
    • $40 regular fare for all regional bus routes except express routes
    • $20 reduced fare (students under 18, Senior Citizens ages 65+, or persons with documented disability)
    • $85 Commuter Express fare (routes 535, 550, 570)
    • $18.25 for10-Ride Passes Johnson County Routes (except the 510)
  • Worried about getting home in an emergency? Register for the Guaranteed Ride Home program and get up to two free rides home per year. For anyone who carpools, vanpools, takes the bus or bikes to work regularly. Restrictions apply. Learn more at
  • Carpool
    Drive less and save more in a carpool. Find commute partners, transit routes, park-and-ride lots and more at
  • Vanpool
    Drive even less and save even more in a vanpool. Four to twelve people meet up and ride together in a van provided by Enterprise. Learn more at
  • Bus
    Catch RideKC bus routes 201, 236 and 237 on N. Barry Road. Go to to plan your trip and learn more. Purchase discounted 31-day bus passes at the Cashier’s Office.
    • $40 regular fare for all regional bus routes except express routes and the 510 to Lawrence
    • $20 reduced fare (students under 18, Senior Citizens ages 65+, or persons with documented disability)
    • $85 Commuter Express fare (routes 535, 550, 570)
    • $18.25 for10-Ride Passes Johnson County routes (except the 510)
  • Worried about getting home in an emergency? Register for the Guaranteed Ride Home program and get up to two free rides home per year. For anyone who carpools, vanpools, takes the bus or bikes to work regularly. Restrictions apply. Learn more at
  • Carpool
    Drive less and save more in a carpool. Find commute partners, transit routes, park-and-ride lots and more at
  • Vanpool
    Drive even less and save even more in a vanpool. Four to twelve people meet up and ride together in a van provided by Enterprise. Learn more at
  • Bus
    Catch RideKC bus route 116 from North 98th St. Go to to plan your trip and learn more. Purchase discounted 31-day bus passes at the Cashier’s Office.
    • $40 regular fare for all regional bus routes except express routes and the 510 to Lawrence
    • $20 reduced fare (students under 18, Senior Citizens ages 65+, or persons with documented disability)
    • $85 Commuter Express fare (routes 535, 550, 570)
    • $18.25 for10-Ride Passes Johnson County routes (except the 510)
  • Worried about getting home in an emergency? Register for the Guaranteed Ride Home program and get up to two free rides home per year. For anyone who carpools, vanpools, takes the bus or bikes to work regularly. Restrictions apply. Learn more at
  • Carpool
    Drive less and save more in a carpool. Find commute partners, transit routes, park-and-ride lots and more at
  • Vanpool
    Drive even less and save even more in a vanpool. Four to twelve people meet up and ride together in a van provided by Enterprise. Learn more at
  • BUS
    Catch RideKC bus routes 101, 102, 106 and 107 from State Avenue. Go to to plan your trip and learn more. Purchase discounted 31-day bus passes at the Cashier’s Office.
    • $40 regular fare for all regional bus routes except express routes and the 510 to Lawrence
    • $20 reduced fare (students under 18, Senior Citizens ages 65+, or persons with documented disability)
    • $85 express fare (routes 535, 550, 570)
    • $18.25 for10-Ride Passes Johnson County routes (except the 510)
  • Worried about getting home in an emergency? Register for the Guaranteed Ride Home program and get up to two free rides home per year. For anyone who carpools, vanpools, takes the bus or bikes to work regularly. Restrictions apply. Learn more at