Link Newsletter - April 2023
Our April issue features the latest news and updates on pediatric care from Children's Mercy clinicians.
Undescended Testicles: Outbreaks, Alerts and Hot Topics
Undescended testicles (cryptorchidism) and retractile testicles are reasonably common findings in the primary care setting. American Urological Association (AUA) guidelines suggest that primary care providers should palpate for quality and position of the testes at every well-child visit.
Constipation: What's the Diagnosis
A 5-year-old female with a pertinent history of constipation presents to the emergency department for abdominal pain.
Pediatric Obesity: Evidence Based Strategies
The most up-to-date evidence to guide obesity screening, treatment and referral. Includes recommendations for nutrition and physical activity, as well as laboratory testing and potential medications.
Wise Use of Antibiotics: Diagnostic Stewardship
In line with the shared goals of antibiotic stewardship, diagnostic stewardship aims to improve outcomes, avoid patient harm, optimize antibiotic use, improve care efficiencies and minimize institutional costs.
Expiring Emergency Declarations: Vaccine Update
The emergency declarations related to COVID-19 are expiring. If they have not already, patients and families may ask you what this means for them. Are you prepared to respond?

Antimicrobial Stewardship: Antibiotic Use for Non-Human Indications
Check out the monthly "Stewie Shares" infographic from our Antimicrobial Stewardship team. This one-page, visually rich flyer contains information for both clinical and non-clinical audiences on current issues related to antimicrobial topics. You are welcome to print and post or link to it from your practice's website.
In the April edition, find out how antibiotics are used for non-human indications. You can also take a short quiz afterward to test your knowledge!
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