Link Newsletter - June 2023
Our June issue features the latest news and updates on pediatric care from Children's Mercy clinicians.
Parapertussis: Outbreaks, Alerts and Hot Topics
Bordetella parapertussis was recently detected from clinical specimens submitted to the microbiology laboratory at Children’s Mercy Kansas City. Unlike many respiratory infections, summer infections with Bordetella parapertussis may be more common than infections in other seasons.
Drowning: What's the Diagnosis
10-month-old male evaluated after drowning event at neighborhood pool.
Heart Murmurs: Evidence Based Strategies
An estimated 50%-80% of children will have a cardiac murmur at some point in their life, but less than 1% of these murmurs will correlate with serious congenital or acquired heart disease, making identifying a pathologic murmur akin to finding a needle in a haystack.
Antibiotics in Short Supply: Wise Use of Antibiotics
Antibiotics are one of the medication classes most frequently impacted by drug shortages. Therefore, as pediatric prescribers, it is important to know how to make periods of antibiotic shortages easier to navigate for ourselves and the families we serve.
Don't Forget About MenB: Vaccine Update
MenB vaccines have the lowest administration rates of the vaccines available for adolescents in the United States -- a staggering 31.4%. With rates for MenB so low, are we doing everything we can as providers to promote this vaccine and protect our patients?
The Role of the Clinical Ethicist: Bioethics
When complex ethical situations arise in clinical practice, often in high-stakes situations with uncertainty, clinical ethics consultation may be helpful to patients, families, surrogates and clinicians.

Antimicrobial Stewardship: Antibiotic Prescriptions - Lessons from an Outpatient Pharmacist
Check out the monthly "Stewie Shares" infographic from our Antimicrobial Stewardship team. This one-page, visually rich flyer contains information for both clinical and non-clinical audiences on current issues related to antimicrobial topics. You are welcome to print and post or link to it from your practice's website.
In the June edition, get some great prescribing tips from a pharmacist at one of the Children's Mercy outpatient pharmacies. You can also take a short quiz afterward to test your knowledge!
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