Modes of Critical Care Transportation
Ground, rotor wing and fixed wing services
Ground ambulance service
Children's Mercy Critical Care Transport's ground fleet is comprised of 14 state-of-the-art ambulances designed and equipped especially for our specialty patients.
The safety of the patients and crew is a top priority. Safety restraints are utilized on all patients, crew members and riders. The ambulances have a specially designed loading and lock-down system for the isolettes and stretchers.
All ambulances are equipped with stereos and personal electronic devices in an effort to provide distraction therapy for the patient throughout the transport.
Ground ambulances are operated by Children's Mercy Kansas City.
Admissions, consults, and transports call
Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) and Paramedics hold valid Missouri and Kansas driver's licenses and maintain active Missouri and Kansas EMT/ EMT-P licenses.
All drivers complete an Emergency Driving Course during their extensive orientation.
EMTs and Paramedics complete Emergency Vehicle Operator Course (EVOC) and Coaching the Emergency Vehicle Operator course (CEVO II) every two years alternating with driving safety standards training.
Rotor wing service
Children's Mercy Critical Care Transport utilizes a dedicated S-76 Sikorsky C++ helicopter as our primary rotorwing. It is the only helicopter in the Kansas City region dedicated exclusively to the transport of neonatal, pediatric and maternal patients and is based at the Charles B. Wheeler Downtown Airport located three miles northwest of Children's Mercy.
Rotor wing transports are performed within an approximate 300-mile radius of the Kansas City area.
Keeping patients and crew members safe during helicopter transport is a top priority. Night vision goggles are used on every night flight as part of the continuing commitment to provide patients with cutting-edge technology.
The S-76 is a twin-engine, dual-pilot operation that will approximately double previous rotor wing flight range, increase cabin space, and allow for transport of two patients at once. In addition, the aircraft has enhanced safety features, including an instrument flight rating, live on-board weather radar, a terrain awareness and avoidance system, a traffic collision avoidance system, and a flight data recorder.
- The aircraft has capacity for maternal-fetal and ECMO transport.
- Rotor wing aircraft are operated by PHIHealth, Inc., an FAA Part 135 certificate holder, in affiliation with LifeFlight Eagle.
Fixed wing service
Children's Mercy Critical Care Transport utilizes two fixed wing aircraft. One is a Beechcraft King Air 200 turbo prop aircraft is staffed 24/7 for transports originating greater than 120 miles from the Kansas City area. We also have one Lear 31 jet that is staffed 12 hours a day, 7 days a week for transports originating greater than 400 miles from the Kansas City area and in locations with appropriate airport requirements in place.
The fixed wing aircraft have a custom-designed medical interior capable of transporting two neonatal or pediatric patients when specific criteria are met.
Satellite telephone, Terrain Collision Avoidance System (TCAS), and GPS tracking systems are utilized on all fixed wing flights.
All fixed wing missions are performed with two pilots.
Jet services are available and are utilized for international flights.
Fixed Wing aircraft are operated by PHIHealth, Inc., an FAA Part 135-certificate holder.