School Health Support
Welcome to Children's Mercy School Health Page! Here you can find resources, tools, and education to support children's health in school. This page was created for school nurses and staff, parents, caregivers, and students.

- Asthma Education - Find education opportunities, resources, and basics on how to help manage asthma.
- Asthma Reference Guide
- Asthma Spacer Use
- Asthma Action Plan
- Asthma Clinic
- Learning Opportunities for Parents and Caregivers
- Autism Training Modules
- Prepped and Ready -Teen Safety
- Suicide Prevention
- Helping Your Child Take Medicine
- Emotions and Behavior
- Mental Health Tool Kit
- Developmental and Behavioral Health Videos
Clinics and Initiatives
- Developmental and Behaviors Health Clinics
- Illuminate - Commitment to developmental and Behavioral Health
Here you can find information on effective diabetes management in school and education and resources provided by Children's Mercy experts.
- Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
- MPACT- Missouri Parents Act - Federally funded parent training and information (MO only).
- UNDERSTOOD - Education on learning and thinking differences.
- 504 Plan
- Show Me School Health
- Learning Disorder Overview (PDF) / Trastornos del aprendizaje (PDF)
If you have questions about a child who is sick or injured and their primary care provider is not available, call (816) 234-3188 for advise from the Children's Mercy Nurse Advice line. We are available to answer your questions 24/7.
Discover more
Access more information about child health by exploring the health library (KidsHealth).
Our commitment to schools
Learn more about Children’s Mercy’s commitment to becoming a School Friendly Health System.
School Friendly Health System Core Principles and Practices
School Friendly Health Systems Case Examples
Catalog of Children's Mercy School-Based Programs and Initiatives
Did you know Children's Mercy offers an array of school-based programming?
Request Children's Mercy at your event
Children's Mercy is committed to providing health resources and education to the communities we serve. If you are interested in Children's Mercy participating in a health fair, presentation, event OR need education, training or support, please complete the digital form to help us better prepare.
Didn't find what you were looking for??
Please email your suggestions about additional physical, mental, and emotional health resources you would like to see on this webpage to
- In the Community Home
- Athletic Training
- Connect to Care: Asthma Telemedicine in Schools
- COVID-19 Testing in Schools
- Healthy Schools and Childcare Program
- Healthy Schools Training Opportunities
- Junior Achievement BizTown
- Project ADAM Heart Safe Schools
- Red Card Bullying Prevention Campaign
- Supporting Schools
- School Based Social Work Program
- School Health Support
- Planning a School Re-entry