Newborn sleep tips
Bringing a baby home is one of the most incredible feelings. All that time waiting for this precious little person and then, they are here. And awake! Here is the real talk about newborn sleep, so you can sleep sound, too.
Overcoming a fear of the dentist
A fear of the dentist. We’ve heard about it. It’s not just kids, even some adults have a fear of visiting the dentist. It may be because they think it’s painful, scary, or even just fear the unknown. Here are a few ways to help kids overcome their fear of the dentist.
Winter safety tips you may not realize you need
Each winter brings a new chance for fun things for kids to do, like ice skating and snowball fights. As we gear up to celebrate the season, keep these 5 things in mind.
Teeth brushing tips from the pros
It may feel like a constant battle every day, getting kids to brush their teeth properly. Sometimes bribery works or maybe you just give up the battle for that day. Oral hygiene is so important and can affect a child’s overall health. Here are a few tips for helping kids get into the habit of brushing their teeth.
Teaching kids about helping others
It’s that time of year… when our kids are making their lists and checking them twice. Full of wishes for the best new toy or the coolest new shoes. But it’s also the time of year when many parents begin to think about how to teach kids a compassionate spirit and desire to help others.