The saying goes "new year, new me" and for many, the beginning of a new year can be the start of changes they want to include in their life. Whether 2024 is a time for re-invention, learning a new skill, striving toward a new goal or knocking a few things off of your bucket list, there is no age limit for creating a New Year's resolution.
We asked the Patient and Family Advisory Councils at Children’s Mercy Kansas City to share what New Year’s resolutions their kids had made for 2024, and their answers didn't disappoint.
"In 2024, I want to be kind and to play!" - Birdie, 4
“Be one of the best pitchers or hitters on my team.” - Evie, 11
"To master math facts, to earn my junior black belt and to go to the Bahamas." - Hadley, 9
“Get stronger and grow 3 inches.” – Haevyn, 11
"Get bigger muscles!" - Kent, 4
“In 2024, I want to meet other boys with ALD and help them through transplant.” – Conner, 7
“Be more kind and spread joy and help the homeless.” – Zali, 11
“Not being naughty, being good to my parents and play.” – Macie, 4
"Um, to like work out more and do more sports…like soccer and maybe basketball." - Oliver, 13
"Probably like, exercising every week." - Frankie, 8
"Be kinder to others and volunteer in classrooms." - Rory, 6
“By the end of the year, I want to make my own filament for my 3D Printer.” - Quinton, 13
"Go to the library every week." - Kaydee, 10
“I want to be in Cub Scouts!” - Zeke, 7
Regardless of your age or what you seek to achieve this year, we hope you make the most of the new year and everything 2024 has in store for you. Here’s to a happy and healthy new year ahead for all!