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December 23, 2024
New Year’s resolutions your whole family can enjoy
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New Year’s resolutions are always made with the best of intentions – but when life gets busy, they can be hard to follow through. But what if you had your whole family as accountability partners? By creating goals you want to achieve together, your family can become each other’s support system to see them through. While you can create any resolution that makes sense for your individual family unit, here are 8 ideas to consider while you plan for 2025.
Unplug together.
These days, it seems like our whole lives are in our devices. But by taking some unplugged time, your family can find new ways to connect. Sitting down at dinner or watching a show together are great opportunities to put the phones away and connect with your loved ones. -
Shake up the dinner menu.
Has your family fallen into the “same ‘ol, same ‘ol” dinner rotation? Try coming up with one new recipe per week! Sound a little daunting? Have each family member take a turn coming up with a recipe and making it (or helping, for littler kiddos) so nobody gets burnt out (pun intended). -
Practice gratitude as a family.
Gratitude isn’t just for the holiday season! If you want to show how grateful you are on a regular basis, try to do a little each day. Make a goal to tell one member of your family something about them you’re grateful for – bonus points, it’ll make you both feel good! -
Fill the piggy bank.
Is there a specific trip, gadget or activity your family has been talking about for ages? Make it happen together! Whether you put the money in a bank account or have a coin jar on the kitchen counter, make it something everyone can add to in their own way. You can even keep a tracker on the fridge showing how close you are to your goal! -
Get moving.
Set an attainable movement goal for your family. Whether it’s hiking nearby trails each Sunday, bike rides after dinner or a dance party in your kitchen (a good solution for the cold months!) you can get moving and stay active together. -
Try new things.
Have you been thinking about rock climbing? Meditation? Candle making? Whatever hobby you’ve considered, enjoy it with your loved ones. Take turns picking a monthly activity and you can all try something new. -
Volunteer in your community.
There are great organizations all over the area that can use support year-round. Does your family love animals? Help out at the animal shelter. Do you love to cook? A soup kitchen is right up your alley! Wherever you decide to give back, you’ll feel great about helping others in the community. -
Stay up to date on doctor’s visits.
Annual visits to primary care physicians, dentists and eye doctors are important for parents and kids alike. Hold each other accountable to make your appointments and keep each other healthy throughout the new year.
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