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Cold weather car seat safety

Though we all want to stay inside where it’s cozy during the cold winter months, we still have places to go – kiddos included. While making sure our children are warm in the car, it’s also important to be sure they are safe.
Statistics show that motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of death among children in the United States. Most of these deaths, due to children either being unrestrained or improperly restrained, are preventable.
As a rule, bulky clothing – like winter coats – should not be worn underneath the harness of a car seat. In a crash, fluffy padding immediately flattens out from the force, leaving extra space under the harness. This leaves the straps too loose to properly restrain the child, increasing the risk of injury. The same is true for adult passengers in a vehicle.
So how do you keep your little ones safe and warm? The key to keeping them warm – layers! Onesie, long pants, hats, mittens then, a blanket over the top of the car seat.
Still unsure if your child’s clothing is too bulky? Do the pinch test! If you can pinch the strap at your child’s shoulder, it’s too loose. Watch this video for a demonstration.
A few other tips:
- Get an early start. If your car has a remote start and you can safely use the feature, let it warm up for a few minutes before heading out. Plus, wintery conditions can be hazardous, so it’s worth it to have a little extra time.
- Pack an emergency bag. Blankets, warm clothing, snacks and water are great to have on hand in case of an accident or road emergency.
- If it didn’t come with the car seat, it hasn’t been crash tested. While it may seem cozy, don’t use inserts or other accessories in the car seat with your child.
We hope these tips help you stay safe and warm while you’re out enjoying our winter wonderland!