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Resources for helping kids process the anniversary of the Super Bowl parade shootings

The horrific events that took place after the 2024 Chiefs parade and rally at Union Station may again strike fear a year later, especially for children and families who were at the parade and witnessed terrifying things.
Anniversary reactions are a common part of the recovery process after tragic events, especially those that include loss and fear. These reactions may trick our brain into thinking we are currently in danger and in need of protection, when in fact we are safe. It can also spark reminders of grief and loss.
To support your child, you can normalize these common reactions and work to ensure a sense of safety. With your guidance, your child can process their reactions in a safe space. To assist you in these tough conversations, we’ve outlined:
- When to seek help immediately.
- How parents and caregivers can help.
- What to watch for.
- Where to find support.
- Additional resources.
Seek help immediately
If you or your child:
- Have thoughts of suicide (ending your own life).
- Have thoughts of hurting yourself or others.
- Have thoughts of dying.
Go to the Emergency Room or call the confidential National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Call, text or chat 9-8-8 anytime for crisis support.
How parents and caregivers can help
Put your own oxygen mask on first. Even adults can experience anniversary reactions. You may also experience all sorts of emotions: shock, sadness, anger, frustration, helplessness and more. Give yourself time to process your own reactions, by yourself or with a trusted friend or counselor. By creating space for yourself, you will be better able to help your kids express their worries without mixing them up with your own.
Ask questions before giving answers. Just as you have an initial reaction when you learn about something horrible happening, kids will have their own reactions, too. They may share some of your thoughts and feelings, or they may have completely different concerns. You can help your child process their worries through dialogue. Before you jump in with information and advice, start by asking what they have heard. Then, ask them if they have any questions. The more listening you do, the better.
Let your child know they are safe. Unexpected, traumatic events can cause a child to worry and be scared. Let them know last year’s tragedy was not common and safety officials are always working to keep them safe and secure. Let them know you are there for them. They will be comforted by extra hugs and extra time spent together. Older kids may express distress that shootings keep happening, and it’s reasonable to acknowledge they have reason to be frustrated. If appropriate, make a safety plan together as a family.
Consider what they need. There is no one-size-fits-all approach. Consider your child’s age, temperament, any intellectual or developmental disabilities and proximity to the event that may affect how they process reminders of difficult events.
- Age and developmental level – Younger children usually need less detail when you discuss the event. Keep it brief, be clear and honest and stay open to their questions. School-aged kids and teens will probably want more information. Generally speaking, you can tell them what happened and where, and what is being done to deal with the situation. No matter what age the child is, it is important to help them feel safe, validate their feelings and let them know they can come to you with concerns.
- Temperament – Just as there is no one right way to talk to kids about difficult news, there is no right way for them to react to that news. Normal responses range from worrying aloud, to staying quiet, to appearing indifferent and everything in between. Accept their emotions and note any changes in behavior over time.
- Proximity to the traumatic event – If your family was at the event or connected to the victims, your children may have a stronger anniversary reaction than others. Stay connected and aware of how your child processes grief or trauma over time. Sometimes they just need someone to sit with them in the discomfort.
- Intellectual and developmental disabilities – Children with intellectual and developmental disabilities may react differently to news of a tragedy and may be comforted by different things than a neurotypical child. Think about what calms your child in other stressful situations and ask yourself if that approach might work in this instance.
Learn more about caring for children who have experienced trauma.
What else can I do?
If you need additional support, here are some ideas to guide you:
Limit exposure to disturbing media. It is natural that many people engage in news coverage after such an impactful tragedy, and even when those anniversaries come up. Ideally, we want to protect kids from alarming images and videos online or on TV. Do your best to provide information about what occurred without the extra images and commentary on the news. Try to limit your own consumption of these images and don’t watch them when kids are present. If your child sees an image that upsets them, listen to how it made them feel and be ready to talk about it. Consider monitoring electronics use closely after these events to prevent accidental exposure.
Promote their resilience. Help your kids communicate their emotions in whatever way comes naturally to them, whether through conversation, creative expression or another approach. Communicating about thoughts and feelings one time will not make everything okay. The more a child can feel safe and tell their story, the less anxious they may be when reminded of the trauma.
As much as you can, stick to routines you had prior to the event. Knowing what comes next and being able to prepare will reduce your child’s anxiety and worries. This consistency helps kids regain a sense of normalcy and we learned during the pandemic how critical it is to keep routine in place. If possible, give kids a chance to take action and help others. This gives them a positive focus and a healthy feeling of control.
Read a story to process what happened. This can help children process scary events in an accessible way.
- Read the book “A Terrible Thing Happened: A Story for Children Who Have Witnessed Violence or Trauma” by Margaret M. Holmes
- Read the book “Jenny is Scared: When Sad Things Happen in the World” by Carol Shuman and Cary Pillo
What to watch for
The events that transpired last year at the Super Bowl parade were stressful, especially if your children witnessed them firsthand or on television. Reminders of this event can spark similar reactions to their experiences in 2024. When a child’s reactions to trauma persist after a few weeks, they may develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
It’s natural to hope that things will be fine, and to avoid seeking help. But early intervention is always better, so seek care if you are unsure. Consider talking to a health care professional if your child’s reactions continue to bother them, worsen over time, or affect their usual routines.
Common Symptoms of PTSD
- Avoid people, places or things that bring back memories.
- Withdraw from family or peers.
- Trouble with memory:
- Do not remember directions from one homework page to the next.
- May not remember parts of the trauma.
- Panic symptoms when not in danger such as:
- Heart palpitations
- Rapid breathing
- Changes in appearance.
- Not taking care of their own hygiene.
- Feels shame or blame.
- Having “if only” thoughts.
- Feels sad.
- Increased anger.
- Nightmares.
- Memories of the scary event even when they are trying not to think about it.
- Uses drugs or alcohol.
- Breaks curfew.
- Thoughts or threats of self-harm or suicide.
- Other symptoms that interfere with daily activities.
Where to find help
Sometimes, the best resources are the ones closest to you.
- Consider your child’s pediatrician or current mental health professional, if they have one.
- Find mental health resources for you or your family by calling the 24-hour COMM CARE Mental Health Crisis Line: (888) 279-8188.
- A mental health professional (if you have health insurance, call your insurance company for a list of resources in your area).
- Your local community mental health center.
- A school counselor or social worker.
Does my health insurance cover mental health?
Phone numbers on the back of your insurance card can help connect you to care.
- Call the number for behavioral or mental health care and ask them to walk you through your specific coverage.
Call Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHCs):
- Can help you if you’re having trouble finding treatment.
- Serve anyone who walks through the door, regardless of their diagnosis and insurance status.
- Once assessed, they can help get you connected to ongoing affordable care.
Helpful resources
Here are several additional resources for your family:
- Attending large events following a tragedy
- Children’s Mercy mental health resources for kids and teens
- American Academy of Pediatrics: Talking to Children About Tragedies and Other News Events
- Pediatric Pandemic Network: Firearm Death and Injury
- National Child Traumatic Stress Network: Mass Violence Resources
- National Mass Violence Victimization Resource Center
- Gun Safety Resources
- Tips for Families on Addressing Anniversaries - The National Child Traumatic Stress Network