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13 parent-tested potty training tips

Potty training is a significant milestone in every child's development, but it can also be a challenging time for parents. Whether you're just starting out or looking for new strategies, you're in the right place. We reached out to our Parent-ish community to gather everything from tried-and-true methods to creative solutions, so your potty-training journey goes as smoothly as possible – for both you and your child!
Prepare, prepare, prepare.
“Prepare for as many scenarios as you can. Have new novelty toys or activities ready (Play Doh, baking, drawing). And as parents, prepare to make things as possible for yourself – meal plan, get takeout. Whatever you can plan ahead of time to make those days easier will pay off.” – Rachel
Give it time.
“I took the whole week off and we spent almost every day, all day in our living room with the toddler potty right in the middle of the room.” – Lanie
Change it up.
“Don’t feel like you need to stick to one methodology. Every child is different…you can pick and choose what parts of various methods work best for your kid and your lifestyle.” – Elisha
Make it fun.
“We’d make a game of it with our boys by putting Cheerios in the toilet and letting them aim for them.” – Jessica
By the “book.”
“We would read 3 books to give them time to relax and be able to ‘go.’ It took the pressure off AND created another literacy opportunity!” – Sarah
Time it out.
“Timers, timers, timers! It’s easy for parents to get distracted and forget to give kids ‘potty break’ reminders in the beginning. Setting a timer helps keep everyone accountable. Bonus points if the kid can actually hear it.” – Cassie
Work together.
“Work with daycare providers on a plan ahead of time and check in with them throughout the process to make sure you are all on the same page.” – Bryan
Incentives work.
“Any time my daughter showed signs of needing to go, she sat on the potty and got an M&M. If she went potty, she got another M&M.” – Lanie
Use your words.
“Using ‘scripts’ helped us stay consistent with our messaging with our son.” – Kirah
“Each time they use the potty – BIG celebration and cheers so they feel excited and proud.” – Nate
Give them choices.
“Let them pick out their ‘big kid’ underwear each day so they get excited about it.” – Andrea
Give grace.
“Don’t rush it…it’ll just cause setbacks. Your child won’t go to kindergarten in diapers, so just follow their lead and give you both some grace!” - Jessica
Whichever path you decide we wish you the best and remember you are not alone! Depend on your village for encouragement and support.