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Category: Nutrition

Global flavors: A parent's guide to exploring cultural cuisines with kids

While it can be easy to lean on your tried and true, family-favorite recipes, introducing children to diverse cuisines is a wonderful way to expand their understanding of different cultures while also trying new foods. As parents, we have the unique opportunity to use food as a tool for education and connection. Here are some tips on how to make this journey enjoyable and nutritious for your family. 

8 frequently asked questions about breastfeeding and pumping

Breastfeeding may be natural, but that doesn’t mean it comes without questions. Whether you’re breastfeeding for the first time or looking for answers because this experience is different from the last, Lactation Consultant Andrea Sanmiguel answers some of the most asked questions. 

End the dinner table battles: How to help your picky eater

It's not uncommon for toddlers and preschoolers to resist trying new foods. Even children who were adventurous foodies as infants can go through a picky phase. If your child puts up a fight at meal times, try to remember it's a normal occurrence for many kids and, most of the time, it doesn't mean anything is wrong. That said, we'd like to give you some tried and true tips to make feeding your kid more enjoyable for everyone involved.

Healthier eating in the new year is a resolution you can keep. No, really!

Be honest: How many days into the new year did you make it before you abandoned all those well-intentioned resolutions? It happens to the best of us. But as a parent, finding ways to implement healthier eating habits for your family is a constant priority — and struggle. 

Conversations about weight: A focus on overall health

Talking about your child’s weight may feel uncomfortable or challenging to bring up for a variety of reasons. But what if “weight” wasn’t the main focus of the conversation? While weight and height are important numbers to measure as your child grows, there are many factors that contribute to overall health. As a parent, you can be your child’s greatest advocate and help them form healthy habits at an early age.

What constipation in kids looks like and what you can do

Did you know constipation in kids can look like a lot of other things? You may be surprised to learn constipation in kids is often underdiagnosed and the right diagnosis can help your child finally get relief. Here are some signs to look for when you suspect constipation and how to get unstuck.

Dad is feeding baby some pureed food while mom sits on the bed in the background.

New food allergy guidelines: What parents need to know

The infant stage is exciting as you see your child learn to sit up, grasp things and grow. There are so many exciting milestones, but when it comes time to introducing many food allergens, some parents may have worries. Here’s what you need to know as you expose your child to common food allergens.

Ways to reduce chemicals in your child’s food

Almost every time you walk into the grocery store there is a new food item. It’s a wonder how the stores fit everything on the shelves. But have you ever wondered about the additives in all these foods? What’s really in our food besides food?

Young boy drink a soda can using both hands.

How much soda should kids drink?

Every way we turn it seems we are surrounded by sugar-sweetened beverages and overwhelmed with ads for those oh-so-tempting drinks. The truth is sugar-sweetened beverages are consumed way too often and are not so good for children’s health. Here is what you should know about sugary beverages and some healthier alternatives.

Young patient with back to camera gets hear heart listened to by a doctor in a clinic room.

Helping kids develop a healthy relationship with food – and warning signs for eating disorders

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many children and teens are more isolated, anxious, stressed and have a sense of loss of control. These factors can add to other potential risk factors for developing eating disorders like bulimia, anorexia and others. Here are some tips, information and warning signs of eating disorders in children.

Family with young baby holding baby food jar in a grocery store.

Toxic metals found in baby food: what you should do now

With the recent news that the US House of Representatives found multiple baby food brands were tainted with high levels of heavy metals like arsenic, lead, cadmium and mercury, it can send any parent into fear mode.  We should be concerned, but not panic. Here’s why.

Young child reaching for red bell pepper in grocery store with parents behind her.

Organic, dairy-free and vegetarian diets explained in under 180 characters

You’ve probably seen the new options for your morning coffee – oat milk, almond milk, coconut milk, soy milk, cashew milk and the list goes on. Meanwhile, conversations about organic and non-organic food options are ongoing. It can be overwhelming to understand nutrition and how to identify the best options for your kids.

Testing food allergies early in children

Studies have shown that, for at least some children, early introduction of food can help children to avoid the development of food allergies. Here’s what introducing those foods can look like.

9 truths about eating disorders and tips for parents

ANYONE can develop an eating disorder, any age, race, nationality, socioeconomic status; eating disorders do not discriminate. Eating disorders are serious but treatable mental illnesses.

energy drink

Addicted to Awake: The Consequences of Energy Drinks in Adolescents

How often do you come across advertisements for energy drinks: once or twice a week, or perhaps every day on your morning commute? Rarely do we escape a day without energy drink companies promoting how they can “give you wings” or provide the five hours of energy you need to make it through the afternoon grind.