It's not perfect. It's parenting.
Sometimes you need answers to the little everyday things that parents encounter. And sometimes, you just need someone to encourage you through all of the craziness and challenges of parenthood. Welcome to Parent-ish, a blog from the experts at Children's Mercy.

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Category: Safety tips
Understanding tuberculosis: A guide for parents
You may have seen recent news about a tuberculosis (TB) outbreak in Kansas. Health officials are actively managing the situation to prevent further spread. But still, it’s important to remain informed and do what you can to keep yourself and your family healthy. Keep reading for information on what tuberculosis is, symptoms, treatment and ways to stay healthy.
Understanding anaphylaxis: A guide for parents
Most parents have one main goal: to keep their kids safe. When there is something out of your control that threatens your child’s safety, it can be scary – and an allergic reaction is one of those things. Keep reading to unpack anaphylaxis along with its causes, symptoms and management strategies if your child is at risk.
Cold weather car seat safety
Though we all want to stay inside where it’s cozy during the cold winter months, we still have places to go – kiddos included. While making sure our children are warm in the car, it’s also important to be sure they are safe. Keep reading for tips on keeping children safe and warm in their car seats this winter.
COVID-19, RSV and the Flu: What you need to know
Viral respiratory season is quickly approaching. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, respiratory viruses seem to circulate in new patterns, so being prepared is important! According to the American Academy of Pediatrics last flu season was moderately severe for a lot of children, but there are steps your family can take to try and stay healthy. Keep reading for information on RSV, flu and COVID-19 for the 2024-25 respiratory virus season.
All your frequently asked car seat questions answered
A car seat is one of the biggest purchases new parents make – and can be one of the most confusing. How do I know which car seats are safe? How do I install it? What size seat do I need? Should my kiddo be rear-facing? Forward facing? In a booster? And these questions, believe it or not, are just the tip of the iceberg. Keep reading for a car seat guide to ease your mind whether you’re welcoming a new baby or wondering if your child is ready for the next step.
Emergency preparedness tips every family should know
Most parents don’t want to consider worst case scenarios. Thinking of your family encountering a natural disaster, fire or the like is scary, but a little preparation can ease worries and help make sure your family is ready to react quickly in a scary situation.
6 things parents should know about opioids
In the past 20 years, illegal use of opioids has risen sharply. Many people have family members struggling with addiction or have lost loved ones to overdose. What do parents need to know to keep kids safe?
Sleepwalking – answers to your frequently asked questions
As a parent, it can be scary to wake in the morning and find your child is not where you laid them down the night before. While it can be jarring to find your child was sleepwalking through the night, this is a benign condition, and there is usually no underlying cause. But parents still want answers – what are the causes, when should I be concerned and how do I keep my child safe? We cover all your FAQs in our recent blog.
4 ways to keep your Independence Day sparkling and safe!
Sparklers and fireworks are Independence Day pastimes. Unfortunately for some, this holiday can also include an emergency room visit due to a firework injury. By following a few tips below, you can make sure your holiday is one to remember – for all the right reasons!
Be safe during any summer plan!
It’s finally sweet, sweet summertime! You’ve likely spent the cold, dreary months looking forward to this time of year – vacations, pool days, campouts under the stars and much more. Don’t let injuries or unsafe settings put a damper on your summer fun. However your family plans to make the most of this season, we have tips to keep you all safe – so the fun can keep going all summer long!
What every parent should know about preventing child abuse
Everyone deserves to be respected, nurtured and loved. But many children and teens face a different reality. Caring adults need to be aware of the signs of child abuse and how they can help prevent it.
Attending large events following a tragedy
Our community is still processing the events of the post-Super Bowl parade. A day meant for celebration quickly turned into a nightmare for families who were in attendance, or even watching it on TV. As your family considers attending large events – sporting events, concerts, shows – that you once enjoyed, planning these activities now comes with extra concern.
Penicillin allergies: What parents need to know
Antibiotics in the penicillin family are among some of the best treatments for common childhood infections. But, penicillin is also the most commonly reporting drug allergy. Keep reading to learn answers to frequently asked questions about penicillin allergies you may want to know for your child.
Burn awareness tips for the whole household
Whether it’s in the kitchen or another part of your home, follow these tips to keep your children safe from potential burns.
Safe sleep tips so the whole family can get good zzz’s
When expecting a new baby, you’re prepared to get less sleep. But be sure to also prepare a safe sleep environment for baby – so when they are sleeping soundly, you can too. Safe sleep goes beyond the newborn stage, with standards to follow for toddlers and “big kids,” too.