It's not perfect. It's parenting.
Sometimes you need answers to the little everyday things that parents encounter. And sometimes, you just need someone to encourage you through all of the craziness and challenges of parenthood. Welcome to Parent-ish, a blog from the experts at Children's Mercy.

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Category: Toddler
13 parent-tested potty training tips
Potty training is a significant milestone in every child's development, but it can also be a challenging time for parents. Whether you're just starting out or looking for new strategies, you're in the right place. We reached out to our Parent-ish community to gather everything from tried-and-true methods to creative solutions, so your potty-training journey goes as smoothly as possible – for both you and your child!
Cold weather car seat safety
Though we all want to stay inside where it’s cozy during the cold winter months, we still have places to go – kiddos included. While making sure our children are warm in the car, it’s also important to be sure they are safe. Keep reading for tips on keeping children safe and warm in their car seats this winter.
Stuck on ideas for your elf? We’ve got you covered!
Elf on the Shelf is a newer family tradition that some families participate in during the holiday season, and one that can cause a little extra holiday stress for parents. But a reminder – this tradition is supposed to be FUN, and a way to spark even more holiday magic in your household.
All your frequently asked car seat questions answered
A car seat is one of the biggest purchases new parents make – and can be one of the most confusing. How do I know which car seats are safe? How do I install it? What size seat do I need? Should my kiddo be rear-facing? Forward facing? In a booster? And these questions, believe it or not, are just the tip of the iceberg. Keep reading for a car seat guide to ease your mind whether you’re welcoming a new baby or wondering if your child is ready for the next step.
Constipation: every parent’s favorite topic
It’s amazing how once you become a parent you begin to realize that talking about poop is just part of everyday conversation. Has your child pooped today? What was the consistency? What was the color?
When to go: Emergency Room vs. Urgent Care
The inevitable has happened - your child came down with an unforeseen illness or injury. And of course, it always happens when your doctor’s office is closed. So, the dilemma every parent faces …do you go to the Emergency Room (ER) or Urgent Care?
Cold weather car seat safety
Statistics show that motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of death among children in the United States. Most of these deaths, due to children either being unrestrained or improperly restrained, are preventable.
Top questions for your pediatrician at all ages
When you have your first baby, they unfortunately aren’t born with a handbook. Even if they were, every child is different and may not follow exactly what would be “outlined.” As a first-time parent you are going to have lots of questions and those questions won’t stop until your child is grown. You may first start asking questions about milestones your child should be reaching in their early years, but will eventually transition to questions on when you should bring up topics like the birds and the bees.
Less frustration, more communication: How to use baby sign language with your child
As parents, we’ve all been there – your baby is upset and screaming, and you just want to yell, “Tell me what you want!” Adding a few basic sign language words to your child’s vocabulary can help ease this frustration for both of you and encourage your child’s verbal development as well.
7 ways to keep pools safe this summer
Multiple layers of protection are needed to prevent drowning. Drowning continues to be the leading cause of unintentional injury death for children aged 1 to 4 years and they are more likely to drown in a home swimming pool. Here are some important water safety tips to keep your young children safe around water.
6 most preventable childhood injuries
Most childhood injuries can be prevented and knowing how to prevent an accident is key to keeping children safe. We’ve all been taught the basics. Buckle-up in the car, wear a bike helmet and look both ways before crossing the road.
How parents can make a healthier environment for healthier kids (on Earth Day and every day)
This Earth Day, your family might be spending time in local community gardens, planting trees with neighbors, or gathering to celebrate in the great outdoors. These are great ways to support Mother Nature, and there is still a lot we can do to combat the effects of climate change right where we are.
Why siblings fight and what to do about it
National Siblings Day is approaching, providing a chance for brothers and sisters everywhere to celebrate each other and their bond. But anyone who grew up with a sibling knows that fighting comes with the territory, but when our own kids get into it, it can be worrying. We wonder, “Are they creating lasting damage to each other?” or “Will they ever get along?”
Lying to your child: Is it ever OK?
If you’ve ever stretched the truth to get your kids to behave, you’re in good company. According to a study published in the International Journal of Psychology, 84% of American parents they surveyed reported lying to their kids to get them to stop unwanted behavior or encourage good behavior. It’s safe to say that lying to children is common. Still, it could come with some guilt and you may wonder whether it does any harm.
Tips for a safe Halloween
Halloween is a great time of year for children. But before your kids head out to trick-or-treat here are some safety tips to help keep your ghosts and goblins safe.