Clinical Excellence
Office of Faculty Development

Kids are the number one priority at Children’s Mercy Kansas City—and have been for more than 120 years. We view “clinical excellence” as child-centered, holistic care that transforms the health, wellbeing, and potential of the kids we serve.
In short, clinical excellence at Children’s Mercy creates a world of wellbeing for children.
Join a comprehensive health care team
Children’s Mercy operates under a patient-centric model. Virtually all specialties at Children’s Mercy feature multidisciplinary care teams. Our physicians collaborate with their peers in other disciplines to provide holistic care. Our patients are also supported by a wide variety of services and non-medical specialists—allowing physicians to focus their energy on their own spheres of expertise.
- Child Life specialists support the emotional health of our patients. They work with children, parents and the medical team to address fears and anxieties and help patients cope with the stress of illness, injury, disability or hospitalization.
- The Nutrition Services department’s 50 dietitians help patients manage medical conditions, grow well and develop healthy nutrition and eating habits.
- Board-certified Music Therapists provide services for children and families.
- The Rehabilitation Services department provides evaluation, treatment, consultation and follow-up care for both inpatients and outpatients.
- Respiratory Care services are provided 24 hours a day in all departments, including intensive care units and the emergency department.
- The Spiritual Services department provides support to patients, families and staff, 24 hours a day, for people of all faith traditions.
- The Quality, Safety and Performance Improvement departments provide support to the medical team to drive exceptional and efficient processes for sustainable care delivery and improved health care outcomes.
- The Patient and Family Engagement Team provides support to the medical team, patients and families to optimize the complete patient and family experience.
- Psychologists, Social Workers, and Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapists provide extensive support to improve patients’ mental and emotional wellbeing, as well as physical capabilities.
Children’s Mercy has received Magnet recognition five consecutive times by the American Nurses Credentialing Center. Only 8% of hospitals achieve this designation for providing the very best in nursing care and upholding professional nursing practices.
Benefit from a large, diverse patient population
At Children’s Mercy, you will be exposed to a unique breadth and depth of pediatric cases. Rare diagnoses aren’t so rare here.
- Half a million patient encounters annually
- 16,000+ admissions per year
- 20,000+ surgeries per year
- Patients referred from all over the world
- More than 50 specialty clinics
- More than 850 faculty members
- 550 pediatric specialists
- Serving a 150-county area in Missouri and Kansas
Stay current with CME opportunities
Children’s Mercy CME in 2019-2020
1,753 hours of instruction
20,129 physician participants
16,262 other health care providers participated
Children’s Mercy offers a wide variety of Continuing Medical Education and opportunities, including:
- Professor Rounds: At Children’s Mercy, resident-run Professor Rounds are presented by learners in a hospital-wide case conference format, including input and question/answer segments. Professor Rounds are now held simultaneously in person and online.
- Grand Rounds: Local, national and international experts present groundbreaking clinical, research and/or social ideas weekly in a hybrid in-person and online format.
- Simulation Training: Offers customized, scenario-based exercises that recreate real-world emergency cases in a Living Laboratory “Playroom.”
Gain valuable clinical support
Children’s Mercy provides a network of support services for clinicians, including:
- The Library Services team is your partner in practice, research and education. The Library provides access to a curated collection of online and print materials, including point-of-care tools, clinical databases, and leadership, diversity and innovation resources. Librarians are available to assist with literature searches, resource instruction and research process
support. The Library also manages SHARE@Children’s Mercy, the institutional repository highlighting scholarly work at Children’s Mercy. - The Office of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) helps standardize patient care approaches through clinical practice guidelines, care process models and critically appraised topics.
- The Children’s Mercy Berry Institute is a personalized development experience for employees, including resources for operational innovation; personal growth and wellbeing; career navigation; community engagement; and core learning and development.

- Center for Wellbeing - Continuing Medical Education - Graduate Medical Education - Leadership Center for Physicians - Library Services - Office of Equity and Diversity - Office of Faculty Development - Quality and Safety