Children's Mercy News and Updates
Explore the latest news and updates about Children's Mercy, tailored specifically for Donald H. Chisholm Planned Giving Council members.
The Longs bring creativity to the bedside

Becky and Curtis Long established the Long Family Endowment for Pediatric Oncology Care. But their story, and their connection to Children’s Mercy, started long ago. Since 2015, the Longs have been creating craft kits for patients.
Read the Longs' storyMessage from Incoming Chair, Joe Cummings

Joe Cummings, CFP®, AAMS®, AWMA®, Wealth Manager, Partner, Creative Planning, has worked exclusively in the financial services industry for 20 years and will be stepping into the role of Chair for the Council for the coming year.
The Gallaghers share a legacy of love

Throughout their time as a patient family at Children’s Mercy, Planned Giving Council members, Terrence and Diane Gallagher, made friends and connections with volunteers, clinical staff, and administrative staff, and both became involved beyond being the parents of a patient.
Read the Gallaghers' story