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Managing Your Health

Our goal is to help you learn the skills you need to manage your own health before you become an adult and transition to medical care outside of Children’s Mercy. The process will happen in small steps over several years and will be different for each person. We suggest that you focus on the following skills at about these ages. You can still benefit from learning these skills, even if you have a disability and need extra support from the important people in your life.




  • I can tell someone about my basic health condition.

  • I carry a copy of my health insurance card and emergency medical information with me.

  • I can tell others how to help me if I feel sick.


  • I know my medications and what they are for.

  • I answer questions at my medical appointments.

  • I take my medications on time by myself.

  • I recognize an emergency for my health condition.

  • I can list the names of my medical team.

18 & up

  • I can tell someone my medical history.

  • I can describe how my condition affects my daily life.

  • I know how to find and choose a doctor that treats adults.

  • I can make my own appointments and order my own medications.


During your regular appointments, we will ask you to rate your progress on learning to manage your own health using the appropriate checklist for your age range: ages 18 and overages 15-17 or ages 12-14.

Your medical team will help you set goals to learn new skills. Here are some goals they will discuss with you. Here are some things to think about when setting goals and a sample goal sheet you can use.