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Eating Disorders: A study to understand brain response to Naltrexone in teens and young adults

Children's Mercy (Research Institute/Division of Adolescent Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology) is doing a research study to understand brain differences in the reward system of teens and young adults with eating disorders. The study involves a one-time dose of a medication called naltrexone. Naltrexone is used in many conditions in adults and children from autism to eating disorders. It is most known for preventing drug abuse in adults. In patients with eating disorders, it is used to reduce binge eating and purging (such as vomiting). The study team previous work showed that naltrexone helps some patients with eating disorders, but not all. The study team wants to understand why some patients respond and others don't.

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Full Study Name: Naltrexone Neuroimaging Randomized Controlled Trial (NN-RCT)
