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Non-infectious Uveitis: A study trying to predict the response of Methotrexate on non-infectious uveitis using eye testing

This study is for those who are: • less than 18 years of age • patients must have been diagnosed with non-infectious uveitis • patients must be starting Methotrexate for treatment of non-infectious uveitis The main reason for this research study is to improve the way of selecting treatment for Non-infectious uveitis (NIU) patients who started to have NIU as a child. The study team will look at several different items to improve this process including demographics, eye exams, physical exams, imaging results, blood test results, and other potential risk factors. Pediatric NIU leads to vision-threatening complications or permanent vision loss in 50% of affected children. Methotrexate is the usual first chosen medication that works by suppressing the immune system.

Interested in learning more?

Full Study Name: Optimizing Methotrexate use for Management of Chronic Pediatric Non-infectious Uveitis
