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Amblyopia (Lazy Eye): A study on glasses and eye patches in children 3-12 for treatment

Age 3-12 years to evaluate if treating amblyopia (lazy eye) with glasses and eye patching at the same time improves vision as well as treating amblyopia (lazy eye) first with glasses and then with patching, if needed. This study will also use a small wearable temperature sensor...

Intermittent Exotropia (IXT): A study on full time eye patching

This study is being done for children: • Between 3 and 8 years old • Have intermittent exotropia (eyes that turn out some of the time) • Have good vision...

Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA): A study of tears and blood markers for JIA and uveitis

The main reason for this research study is to help researchers to learn more about children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) and/or uveitis (inflammation of the eye), and to help us identify who is at the greatest risk for uveitis development. Researchers also hope to...

Non-infectious Uveitis: A study trying to predict the response of Methotrexate on non-infectious uveitis using eye testing

This study is for those who are: • less than 18 years of age • patients must have been diagnosed with non-infectious uveitis • patients must be starting Methotrexate for treatment of non-infectious uveitis...