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Premature Infants: Growth and Tolerance of Preterm Infants Fed One of Two New Formulation of Human Milk Fortifiers compared to the Current Formulation of Human Milk Fortifier

This study is being done for babies: - Born at 32 weeks or earlier (Premature infants) - Receiving breastmilk - Who weighed about 1 ½ -3 pounds at birth. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the growth and tolerance of preterm infants fed one of two next-generation Human Milk Fortifiers (HMFs) compared to the current standard of care of HMF. Human milk fortifier is a liquid product that is added to breast milk and provides extra protein and nutrients to help meet premature babies' nutritional needs.

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Full Study Name: AL-46: Growth and Tolerance of Preterm Infants Fed One of Two New Formulation of Human Milk Fortifiers compared to the Current Formulation of Human Milk Fortifier
