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Colonoscopy with or without Polyposis: Tissue samples collected for research on cancer prevention and treatment

This study is currently enrolling patients who: • Are ages 1 month to 21 years • Have been diagnosed with polyposis, either clinically or through genetic testing with adenomas found on colonoscopy The main purpose of this study is to use normal tissues (not polyps) and non-normal tissues (polyps) to test candidate drugs or compounds against and ensure there is not significant toxicity to these normal cells. A study participant will have biopsies of tissue collected from different locations in their intestinal tract. The tissues will be stored in a way that allows cell to grow and multiply. The cell lines that potentially grow will be used to test the toxicity of the drugs or compounds that are being tested to see if they possibly help tissue affected by polyposis.

Interested in learning more?

Full Study Name: Searching for Novel Chemopreventive Agents for Polyposis
