Transitioning Adolescents with Diabetes to Adult Care Resources (TADA!)
Transition to Adult Care: Why is this important?
At age 18, the law says you are an adult. This means, when you turn 18 you make the decisions for your medical care!
Transitioning to adult care is not a one-time event, it is an ongoing process. Our goal is to prepare you to be able to take charge of your own diabetes care and eventually switch to a provider (a doctor or a nurse practitioner) that treats adults. Switching to an adult provider happens sometime between ages 18-21. Adults have different treatment goals and life concerns. There are also different medications that are approved for adults and not children. We want to make sure you have the skills you need to navigate this change and prepare you for success!
Beginning at age 17, your diabetes provider will start discussing transition with you. This discussion will happen at least once a year at your diabetes visits. We ask that you take a patient transition survey to help us see how we can help you achieve your goals. The survey will show us how we can help you in the process and hopefully make it all less scary.
Resources to get you started on your transition-to-adult-care journey
Transition To Adulthood - What does the Process look like?
Finding Your New Endocrine Provider - Questions to Ask
Patient Portal
Transition To Adulthood Goals / Metas de transición del paciente
Transition to Adulthood Health Passport / Transición a la adultez pasaporte medico